What makes a Developed Nation

For the component of a successfully developed
nation, the most important attachment isusually made to the vibrancy of the up comers; the youths. It is a well known fact that no
generation of human being or living organisms
generally live for up to five hundred years and if
there was, it would have been far back in history.

Consequently, no older generation is able to have a total knowledge of the life its
successors will live till the end the same way a
generation cannot live the complete life their
ancestors have lived without manipulating part
of their traditional practices. Whether positive
or negative, the youths contribute largely to the
progress or regress of a nation.

Coming down to this generation of ours, many
youths of this ‘time’ are used to one saying ‘Be you’. Although it is a positive word, it has somehow created negativity among our youths.
They’ll say ‘Be yourself’ even if you act madly, don’t change the attitude, just continue and with your madness, you are sure to find fans dying at your feet. There are others who whole-
heartedly inherit the culture of their predecessors and build on it, change what they
think is barbaric and dream about how their own motherland will develop.

This way, they combine their studies with homely duties but it is very difficult to move ahead because most of
the youth do not fall into this category. How many for example patronize home made products? Every one wants to show off…’my
bag is from Germany, my shoe is from Italy, I like Brazilian hair and my best food, I love sausages and rice with English beef stew’ this is
how they tend to be ‘themselves’! Many of our
youths are not eager to build, they clamour that the system is dilapidated yet; they run from it to admire another man’s structure or even
worse become slaves therein. As a result, they would have lived for nothing.

Everyone wants to be relevant in the society,
but does relevance require every person heading
the same direction; both fit and unfit? The entertainment industry is what is been referred to here. There are many youths that never get
to see the light of the day in the industry simply because they do not belong there. When a few people prosper in music, it doesn’t mean
fifty percent of the population should sing. A Youngman better at trading would these days carry a guitar from Ibadan to Benin to take part
in a talent hunt when he would have become a
wealthy merchant. And what will be the answer to his performance…’NO’. He keeps on having false hopes that he can make it with his guitar.
This is where the guidance and counselling of the parents and mentors come in.

Positively, talent development apart from
academics is in everyway the best for a nation that eyes development. There are many aspects youths can develop their talent without concentrating solely on ‘distractions’.

The government, parents are mentors have it as a duty to build the solid foundation for the up comers to rely upon. But wait a second; is it a
foundation that must be built all the time? To whet level have the predecessors built the nation? Is it progressing? Youths yearn on building on a foundation must have attractions that will serve as a catalyst in speeding up the
rate at which development sets in. The elders (parents and mentors) therefore have a big role to play in being models to the youths.
The government has a large part to play in the academic system. A development of a nation is built on this which means, this is a part of the
background that may make or mar a nation.

In Nigeria, emphasis is mostly on certificate acquisition. That is why most people have the ‘paper’ but are not worthy of the pay. It is
however gladden that after the ‘Be yourself’ slang ‘show your skill’ is the next popular.
Youths have to be practical in whatever they have gained in academics because that is the only way all those stories in the notes can be realized. It is well known that Cuba has the highest percentage of literates. This is because
of the free and compulsory education provided at basic levels. If the government can realize this, the rest of the task will be so easy to carry
out because education is enlightens and her subjects will understand every rightful decision taken by her.
When the foundation is laid, the background, strong; a good education system is in place and the government and parents are there to guide, it is up to the future leaders to be up and doing.
The major concern should be how to study effectively and be of great benefit to the society. Students should pay attention and show interest
in their course of study. They should always have the intention to remember anything they are taught. They should build confidence in themselves and not depend on the success of
other great nations. Whatever worth doing at all should be started well for all that starts well with consistency will become a success. They
should differentiate the good from bad and stick to it, no matter how unattractive. They should understand their environment and know
what it needs to develop. They should build a big background that will be a stepping stone in ascending greater heights. Note taking,
reviewing, practising and over learning are techniques that can be used in learning. They
are effective tool that allow what has been learned stick to the brain and become part of the learner’s life.

In conclusion, these are tips for academic success in the tertiary level especially:

Choose courses carefully, especially during your first year.

Know and use resources.

Meet and get to know faculty.

Manage your time well.

Know and actively use your reading skills.

Develop strong listening and note taking skills.

Develop and improve your writing and speaking skills.

Get involved in co-curricular activities; learn skills and gain experience.

Written by
Adetutu Hajarah

About nilsoceity

Aim at mobilizing Nigerians to view information illiteracy as a breakthrough to progress in national development. it will aim at promoting scholarship, research, information literacy, intellectual property, copyright and related disciplines.

Posted on August 29, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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